Thursday, August 21, 2008

el oo vee ee

We want to believe there is love in this world, but with all the hate and war going on we think that love is too hard to find. However that is not the truth. We just over look it because it isn't something we expect to find or we write it off to be something other then what it really is, LOVE!

Take friends for example. They are always there for us even when the weight of the world gets to heavy to carry. They're there to take a piece off our shoulders and put it onto theirs. At times of trouble however we forget to remember this. We don't think about this act of love. Instead we focus on the bad, the hate. We focus on the stuff we lack rather then the stuff we have. It is only then that hate and war come to be. So if love is what we want, then believe in it. Hate and war won't exists then and all the stuff in our lives( which is good) will come forth. It is at this moment that you will realize life over all is filled with love.

Yes life will get you down and it may seem like nothing is going right but you can't dwell on that feeling. You have to move past that feeling, past all the evil and move to the good. If you just look around, you will see that love never leaves you, whether it be visible love, emotional love or spiritual love. LOVE IS ALWAYS THERE


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sound to me like you are doing well. I also think that our focus needs to be on the good things of life. Alwalys look for the good in everything.